


~ part seven ~

~ burn ~

Daniel was hot and sweaty as he slowly moved around the terrain, dressed only in a loose black t-shirt, military OD green shorts, sneakers, and of course, his camo bandana. He'd changed soon after they'd set up their larger field tents, just as the rest of SG1 had. The mission was a mostly relaxed one and their standard duty uniforms simply did not apply under the humidity and heat. With the surveying they had to do, and with the strategic plans that Teal'c and Jack had to do to safeguard the gate, they needed to keep as cool as they could for their health. Jack felt their mission was pretty much a cake-and-ice cream run and it was a welcome and rare treat after their last missions. As for the reason for being on the planet, designated as P5A-252, it was a possibility for the 'Beta' homeworld...just in case the Alpha site was discovered.

Jack assessed the planet's tropical situation as he and Teal'c finished the first part of their strategic survey. All he was waiting on now was the intel recorded by the extended range UAV, and Sam was collecting it presently on her hand-held data device. While he waited, he found himself watching Daniel, walking, writing, seemingly oblivious to where he was going, but Jack figured he was heading toward the lake that sat about a quarter of a mile away from the camp. Jack was admiring Daniel's legs when he was startled out of his thoughts by Teal'c, as the big man walked up beside him to see what Jack was gazing at. He said nothing for the moment, though he knew full well why Jack was allowing himself a rare indulgence in the art of Daniel-watching.

Jack looked on as Daniel closed in on the lake's edge and a small smile came to his mouth.

"Something amuses you, O'Neill?" Teal'c asked quietly.

"Not really. I just like watching him, trying to anticipate what he's going to do. For instance, I'll bet you anything he's going to put his stuff down and dive in that lake."

"I do not believe I have ever seen DanielJackson swim, O'Neill," was all Teal'c said, not rising to the betting bait. Jack gave him a sarcastic smile.

"That's not totally true, Teal'c. We know that he knows how to swim, otherwise he'd not have made it out of Nem's undersea digs."

Teal'c tilted his head. "This is so."

Sam started to walk past them, handing Jack the hand-held as she passed. "Readings are downloaded, sir. I don't know about you two, but I think Daniel's got the right idea." She headed off in the direction of the lake and Jack and Teal'c followed, keeping to the slow pace that they'd all agreed they'd need during the more humid days of their stay. Jack found it amusing how Sam had quickly deduced what was on Daniel's mind even before Daniel reached the lakeside. She was almost as good at reading Daniel as he was. Jack watched her as she made a slightly faster walk to the lake. The woman was definitely worth looking at, Jack mused, but she didn't give him the hard-on Daniel was capable of doing. He checked his thoughts quickly, shaking them off.

Safe place or no, he had to stay vigilant for the dangers around them, even if they did have the electronic perimeter alarm set up that freed them from guard duty in order to sleep. He didn't have to worry about such mundane things such as his 'kids' getting their work done. Sam and Daniel were nothing but professional when it came to actually doing their jobs and they did them so effortlessly that it sometimes looked as if they weren't doing anything at all. Daniel in particular seemed to have mastered that art.

Sam approached the lakeside just as Daniel was setting his things down in the dry dirt several feet away from the water's edge.

"Hey, Sam. How's the surveying going?"

"Fine, boring, the usual," and she grinned at him as she set her stuff down next to his. "I take it you have the same idea as I do?" she asked.

Daniel grinned back. "If that means diving into this lake, oh yeah." He took off his t-shirt as he toed off his sneakers, revealing his 'new' piece of clothing, issued just prior to the mission, per new regulation set by the Pentagon.

Dog Tags. All civilians needed them if they wished to participate in the stargate program. Daniel's read the same as Sam's. Name, rank, social security number, blood type, religious preference (if any) and special status (if any). Except in Daniel's case, his rank was Doctor, and the bottom line of his dog tags read, CIVILIAN. Teal'c had also received a special pair, although for his rank, it read Jaffa Master, put there as a concession to Jack, who had stood next to the airman from Operations as he'd punched the information onto the blank metal. Their tags, like everyone else's, were framed in soft, black rubber.

Sam reached out and jingled the dog tags dangling against his chest in her palm. On anyone else, the action would have been flirting, but toward Daniel, Sam's action was sisterly and teasing. "How do you like your new jewelry?" she asked, her smile indeed teasing.

Daniel looked at her and squinted. "They feel weird, but I have no choice in this any more than I have in wearing a uniform so..." and he then shrugged. She tugged on the tags then.

"Stop yankin' my chain, Sam," he laughed, repeating the words for the third time that day. Sam snorted a smile as he removed them and dropped them to the ground, then proceeded to take off his socks. Just as Sam removed her own shoes and socks, Daniel began to slide his shorts off.

Her eyes went wide. "Daniel, what are you doing?"

"I'm not swimming in them, Sam."

"Fine, you little tease. You realize you're only feeding the fire, doing that?" she jokingly chided as she made a slight motion at Jack's approach. Daniel didn't look directly at her but a wide, knowing smile crossed his face.

"Not completely on purpose, Sam, but there's a thought." Just before she started to respond, Jack and Teal'c halted a few feet away just as the top of Daniel's ass became visible.

"Daniel, damn it!" Jack said in exasperation, turning away, seeing the light golden ass cheeks over and over behind his closed eyes.

"Jack, no one else is around, and you've all seen my naked butt over a thousand times."  Daniel gave Sam an impish smile, then looked over at Teal'c, whose face showed amusement at Jack's reaction. Teal'c couldn't have cared less about Daniel stripping down and still thought the Tau'ri notion of nudity was absurd. He watched as Daniel waded into the water until it was over his knees, then dove in with strong, aggressive strokes.

Sam placed her shoes and socks down by Daniel's things, then started to take off her shirt. She was halted by Jack's touch on her shoulder.

"Carter, that's not a good idea," and Sam halted, arms crossed, her shirt almost revealing her bra.

"Permission to take a swim, sir," she asked, hoping he'd relax this one time.


"I believe the appropriate term is 'skinny dipping', O'Neill." Teal'c literally smiled that time, even more amused at Jack's discomfort.

"Yes, Teal'c, I know." Jack rolled his eyes and sighed, turning around. "Fine, Carter. Go frolic in the water with Daniel. I'll stand guard with Teal'c, unless you're joining them?" Jack asked Teal'c, looking in his direction.

"I am not, O'Neill. However, I will stand guard with you." Just past Teal'c's shoulder, in the water, a certain amount of Daniel's lightly tanned rear end and thigh appeared through the water's surface and Jack forced himself to look away. He heard Sam wading into the water, and took a careful look, then decided it was better if he didn't. He turned, found a large flat rock along the edge of the water, and sat down.

"You have seen her nudity on occasion, O'Neill. You should not be embarrassed."

"I know, Teal'c, but it still feels odd to relax on a mission, no matter how low-security the mission is. Besides, said nudity was at least on missions where we had no choice in either showering as a team, or having to change clothes without privacy. I don't mind, as a rule, but it just feels weird all the same. It's not normal, in other words, Teal'c."

"I see," was all Teal'c said, making Jack roll his eyes because it was clear that he didn't 'see'.

Sam was smiling hugely as she swam through the slightly warm water, heading toward Daniel. She didn't have a problem with being nude in front of her teammates. Too many embarrassing missions had taken care of that modesty. Teal'c smiled as he watched his two younger 'siblings' frolic in the water, becoming even more amused when the splashing game started. Jack eventually took his eyes off the terrain to watch his kids try to drown each other. After a little while, he'd taken his cue from Teal'c and didn't dwell on their nudity any longer. He remarked to Teal'c that he must be getting soft in his old age, to which he received the equivalent to a slap in the head via one of Teal'c's highly arched brows.

After their swim, the two adventurous members of SG1 got back to work and stayed busy for the next two hours until the sun began to lower over the treeline. The team sat down to eat their dinner, talking over trivial things, silly things, getting in a few jibes here and there over some of the worst gossip they'd heard about each other. It was well into night when the four went off to bed. Sam to her tent, Teal'c to his, Daniel and Jack to the one they shared.

Jack stripped down to his boxers and lay on top of his sleeping bag, as it was too warm to sleep within it. He watched Daniel undress, waiting for him to lay down so he could talk to him. He had a topic in mind, thanks to Jason. Jack looked at the slightly larger size of their usual tent and though there was plenty of room for them to sleep some distance apart, they'd gotten used to sleeping right next to each other. Jack was grateful that that sleeping arrangement hadn't changed even through their estrangement. His 'over-protectiveness' probably wouldn't have allowed a change anyway. Another thing Jack was grateful for was that instead of dirt underneath their tent, they were blessedly cushioned by thick grass. Sleeping restfully wouldn't be a problem for once.

Daniel left his boxers on as he laid down on his sleeping bag, though Jack knew he preferred to sleep in the nude. Daniel, however, wasn't in the mood for one of Jack's lectures, so he left them on. To his surprise, Jack brought it up.

"Daniel, you're leaving your clothes on?"

Daniel detected the tease in his voice so he turned on his side and propped his head in his hand to stare back at Jack, who also lay in the same position, facing him. "No, Jack. I'm not. This is an illusion." Daniel had surmised that Jack wanted to talk for some reason so he didn't bother to turn off their battery version of a hurricane lamp. He smiled after his soft sarcasm. "What's up?"

Jack reached out and took Daniel's dog tags in the palm of his hand, just as Sam had done earlier in the day. The action was different in that the act was loving, not platonic. Daniel was surprised once more and with raised brows, he looked down at Jack's hand, then up at him, waiting for Jack to speak.

"How do you like these?" Jack asked, having to clear his throat. He let the tags go but Daniel caught his hand.

"They'll take some getting used to. That isn't what you wanted to ask. What's on your mind?"

Jack cleared his throat again. "I hear you want a certain bondage fantasy fulfilled."

Daniel was caught completely off guard and he blinked in shock, then coughed and had to let go of Jack's hand in order to reach for the waterskin lying beyond their heads. Taking a few judicious sips, he handed the skin to Jack.

"That was...pretty blunt and to the point. When you do decide to talk, you rarely dance around an issue, Jack. I'll give you that."

Jack took a few sips, then topped the waterskin and set it back down beyond them. He reached out and touched Daniel's cheek, again surprising him. Daniel couldn't help it and his penis began to stiffen. Jack's touch was seductive, and electric, reminding Daniel of their strange chemistry together. He reached up and touched Jack's hand, confirming his thoughts.

"Jack, I'm not in the mood to play games that don't amount to anything so if you don't stop..."

Jack didn't. "I'm not playing at anything, Daniel. I'm not your CO right now."

"Since when? You seem to be acting like my CO all the time, even when I'm at home," Daniel replied softly, reminding Jack of his last visit there.

"I know. Jason seems to be championing your cause, too." Jack looked a bit annoyed. All his words managed to do, however, was remind Daniel how often Jason and Jack shared each other's beds.

"Why is it that you share with Jason, but not me?"

"Daniel...don't. That's not fair, or accurate."

Daniel sighed as he stared at his friend and would-be lover. He would be if Daniel had anything to say about it. He also had to concede for the moment that Jack was trying. Jack was, after all, touching their tent. "'re what right now?"

"I'm your best friend wanting to talk to you about fulfilling a fantasy."

"Not just my best friend," Daniel said with mild amusement and moved Jack's hand away from his face. "But unless you want to find yourself confronted with a hard....oh never mind." He dropped his head on his arm while still holding Jack's hand, wondering if words games, like teasing threats, would only be wasted. "What about my fantasy?" he asked, still trying to ignore his stiffening penis. Jack couldn't ignore it, however. It was very noticeable as it pushed at the material of his shorts. He gave Daniel a small smile.

"Were you going to tell me about wanting it to happen, just as you told Jason and Paul?"

Daniel frowned a little. "Paul called you?"

Jack shook his head. "Jace told me. He wanted to arrange something. Soon."

Daniel felt his pulse beginning to quicken. Since he held Jack's hand to his chest, Jack felt the rapid thump-thump along the back of his fingers. He also noticed Daniel getting even harder.

"Were you going to tell me, Daniel?" Jack asked again.

"Yes, but I was kind of waiting for the right time to ask. You've been skittish around me a lot lately and even though we talked this out, it makes me nervous that you're nervous. I didn't want to..."

"Jeez, Daniel. I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I'm sorry," and Jack moved his arm to Daniel's waist and squeezed lightly in a kind of reassuring hug before pulling his hand back. "Do you want me involved?"

Daniel swallowed, feeling his skin tingling where Jack touched him. "Yes, but only if you want to be."

"I do," Jack whispered, then gave Daniel a very seductive smile.

Daniel groaned at him. "Jaaaack, don't look at me like that."

Jack smile only worsened. Daniel growled at him as he looked at Jack for a few silent moments. Then an idea came to him. A wickedly wonderful idea. If Jack was going to play, why shouldn't they play for real. Daniel was fully hard now, and he wanted to jerk off. He also wanted to do it in front of Jack. What's more, he wanted Jack to jerk off in front of him, wanted to see how Jack touched himself, wanted to see exactly how he got himself off.

As he lay there with his head on his arm and his arm outstretched over his head, he moved his free hand up slowly, carefully, and ran a few fingertips over Jack's closed lips. Jack's reaction was to groan and part his lips.

Before Jack could say anything, Daniel asked in a whisper, "Jack, are you up for a little game?"

Jack smiled and looked down at his own stiff penis. "I think I'm up, Daniel, but what do you have in mind?"

Daniel carefully studied Jack's expression and decided that Jack was 'in the mood' for something, even if it wasn't sex...yet. He took his fingers away from Jack's face and tugged his shorts down, freeing his erection, watching the lust rise in Jack's eyes as he bared himself.

Daniel then leaned forward and only just brushed Jack's lips with his. Just enough to be able to feel Jack's breath on his own lips. He began to stroke himself as he spoke. "Watching, Jack. A watching game. I touch myself, you touch yourself, but we don't touch each other, except to kiss. But the rest of our bodies don't touch. We also whisper the most arousing things we can think of. It's very seductive. Are you up for that?"

Jack smiled, his eyes darkening quite nicely, telling Daniel he was definitely in the mood. Jack leaned back and pushed his shorts down, freeing his hard cock and then wrapped his fingers around it and began to slowly stroke. He leaned forward again and brushed his lips back over Daniel's.

"I'm up for that."

Daniel lost himself in the barest touch, allowing himself to become highly aroused as he began to move his hips, pushing his dick through his palm while his thumb rubbed the glans, smearing the pre-come there. His body was flushed and his eyes half-lidded; the look highly aroused Jack, who groaned again. Daniel moistened his lips, then parted them, moving them over Jack's once more.

"I want to taste you, Jack," Daniel whispered huskily. "I want to run my tongue over the head of your cock," and he ran the tip of his tongue just slightly over Jack's bottom lip. Jack's breath was shaky as Daniel withdrew his tongue. "I want to feel your hot cock inside my mouth, to feel your hips move as you fuck my mouth."

"God, Daniel," Jack choked out as he sped up the motions of his hand, now squeezing and pulling his throbbing dick as he simultaneously rubbed the liquid around the head of his cock.

Daniel moved back a little to watch Jack pleasure himself, to watch Jack's eyes focus on his dick, on his own quickening strokes. "I want to feel your mouth on me, Jack. To feel your tongue lick the head of my dick, to feel the wetness of your mouth as I move inside, to feel your hands on my ass, to feel your fingers push inside me as you suck me."

"Jesus, Daniel," Jack barely whispered as his hips moved faster and his fist tightened. He was close.

"Yes, Jack," Daniel whispered as he thrust through his own tight fist. He leaned forward again and pressed his open lips against Jack's. "I want to fuck you so bad. To feel my cock inside that hot ass of yours. I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your stiff cock fuck me hard, slow, and sweet," and Jack moaned then, closer to release just as Daniel was close to his own. "That's it, Jack. Come for me. Let me see you come."

"Daniel, goddamn it," Jack panted, then let out a harsh gasp in warning.

Daniel made the same noise in his throat. "Yes, Jack! Kiss m--," Daniel demanded, and Jack kissed him, hard and fierce, his tongue thrusting in rhythm with his hips as he moaned through his nose and throat.

Both of them moaned through short, rapid breaths as they came together, their kiss deepening, locking their lips together feverishly as their semen poured over the backs of their hands and through their fingers. Their hips slowed while their bodies jerked through tremors and spasms. Their kiss finally broke off, each panting, looking into the other's sated eyes. They remained quiet for a little while as their pounding hearts slowed, then Daniel reached behind him to grab the towel he'd used to dry off with earlier that day. He wiped his hand off and then reached for Jack's. Still lost in his post-coital haze, Jack didn't think twice and let Daniel clean him up. When Daniel finished them both and tossed the towel behind them, he kissed Jack once more.

"How was that, Jack?" Daniel asked, a soft smile on his lips.

"Jesus, Daniel," Jack whispered sleepily, grabbing Daniel by his head and pulling him into a strong, passionate kiss. Daniel's body warmed in reaction. Jack pulled away from the kiss a bit more gently, looking directly into Daniel's eyes. "It was great, Daniel," then he thought a moment as he studied Daniel's eyes, seemingly curious. "Do you always do everything so intensely?"

Daniel gave him a slow smile. "You already know that answer to that, Jack."

The next day was much too hot and most of it was spent doing as little as possible. As a result, Daniel and Jack simply collapsed into the shade of their tent, rolling up the sides a bit to allow for a cross-breeze. Their sleep was filled with hazy, erotic images interspersed with the usual abstract images of the day.

The next day was a bit cooler though. After a rather productive day, Daniel felt himself wanting more from Jack. He wanted to be inside the man. His need was so overwhelming that he couldn't sleep. Jack seemed to be asleep but Daniel couldn't tell too well without his contacts (better than glasses in the humidity). He wanted Jack to touch him, and he wanted to touch Jack. The feeling, the need, seemed to burn inside him, making it impossible to rest peacefully in the warm evening. Daniel tried to use other oft-tried techniques to get his mind off Jack's presence but he could smell the man's sweat, a musky slightly tangy scent that always made his cock stiffen. This time was no exception, except that he was harder than usual. Daniel knew that if he was going to get any sleep, he'd need to cool off as well as jerk off to fantasy to get the heat in his dick to go away. Making his decision, he got up from his bed roll.

"Daniel, where're you going?" Jack asked drowsily. It appeared he hadn't been sleeping.

"I need a swim. I can't sleep," and he didn't wait for Jack's 'permission', he simply left the tent. Jack pushed up on his elbows, staring at the space so recently vacated by Daniel. He frowned....then looked down at his own erection. He dropped onto his back once more, thinking. The images that were plaguing his own mind wouldn't rest, either. After several more minutes of lying there, trying to get his mind, and body, to calm, he gave up.

"Fuck it," he mumbled and got up to go find Daniel.

The water was still warm, even in the middle of the night. Daniel broke the surface, unable to swim as he was hindered by his throbbing erection. He moved to the shore and stood thigh-deep, his fingers curling around his dick almost protectively. The planet's single moon shone down on him, its luminescence reflecting on the beads of water that ran down his muscular, tension-filled body. Images of fucking Jack, sucking Jack, of having Jack fuck or suck him filled his mind as he began to masturbate, purposely keeping his strokes slow. He fixed on one image then: his legs spread widely in the air as Jack pounded his dick into him.

As his back was to the shore, he did not see Jack approach. Jack stripped off his shorts and entered the water; the soft sounds the only thing that made Daniel aware of his presence. The obvious motion of Daniel's unseen hand stroking his cock made Jack wade through the water just a little faster. Daniel turned around then, but his hand did not leave his dick, or stop its stroking. Rather, he purposely rubbed the head of his cock and the sensation sent a charge through him.

"Jack..." Daniel whispered huskily in warning, his face flushed, his need perceptible.

"Daniel..." Jack whispered back, reaching Daniel, grabbing him behind his neck and pulling him into a hungry kiss, deepening it as their bodies met and molded. Daniel moaned through his nose, the sound indicating his want, and kissed Jack back more ravenously. Jack's hands moved over his skin, igniting Daniel's lust, making him forego his cock in favor of feeling Jack's body against his own. Daniel felt as if he were on fire as Jack rubbed his cock against his own, his hips grinding, gyrating. He gasped out a small cry as Jack's hands clamped down over his ass as his tongue fucked his mouth as he had that night by his apartment door.

Jack moaned in return, the vibration reaching the back of his lover's throat and Daniel increased the force of his own grinding, rubbing harder as his own hands clamped onto Jack's ass. He massaged the muscular globes then moved a finger between Jack's ass cheeks, causing him to gasp and break their kiss.

Jack seemed as if he'd object but he merely focused his intense gaze on Daniel's eyes as his own finger pressed between Daniel's cheeks. They panted harshly, staring at one another as their hips rubbed their cocks together. Their fingers moved almost at the same time as they teased each other's sensitive rectums, the pleasure pinging through their groins. Then Jack's finger moved first and entered Daniel's ass, making him gasp and push his own finger into Jack, making the man groan deeply and push his finger in further.

"Oh God, yes," Daniel whispered, closing his mouth over Jack's in short, breathless kisses. "Fuck me," he demanded as his thrusting matched Jack's, feeling the hot muscles while the ring contracted in spasms around his finger. His free hand moved between them to grasp their cocks together, stroking in time to the fingers that thrust inside the other. Jack held Daniel tighter against him, gasping through his nose as Daniel's hand stroked and squeezed them firmly through their thrusting. They kissed desperately as their need soared, their fingers moving easily, fucking each other faster and faster. Daniel increased the tightness of his fingers around their cocks and pumped rapidly as they neared completion.

Daniel didn't dare break their kiss and forced himself to breathe and moan through his nose. If he broke the kiss, he knew he'd cry out, and then call out words of encouragement as he tried to bring Jack the same pleasure. Their fingers pressed deeper, grinding, searching. Jack moaned his own warning as he pushed his finger deeper, and when they touched each other's glands, Daniel tightened his hand over their glans, rubbing them together, and they came explosively, the semen mixing together to coat his fingers, their abdomens, and their spasming shafts.

Their kiss finally broke, each panting and sucking in gulps of air as their orgasms took time to level out. When at last the tremors subsided, their fingers slowly withdrew. Daniel walked backward then, pulling Jack with him until they were waist deep, deep enough to wash. As they did, they kissed softly, then Jack took Daniel's hand in his and led them out of the water and back to shore, where they retrieved their shorts and walked naked back to the tent. Dried with another towel, they lay down, facing each other. Jack stroked Daniel's cheek with the back of his fingers.

"You okay?" Daniel asked before Jack could.

"I'm fine. You?" Jack answered with a tiny smile.

"I'm fine." Jack gave him that look and Daniel smiled back, teasingly pushing at Jack's chest. "I'm very fine, Jack. Really." Daniel's teasing manner seemed to relax Jack and Daniel couldn't figure out why Jack would have been so tense. "Are you sure you're fine, Jack?"

Jack reached up with his thumb and tried to press the frown between Daniel's brows smooth. "Stop worrying."

Daniel couldn't and wouldn't until Jack explained and Jack knew that.

"Okay, it's just that even though this is nice, what's happened between us, this is a rare mission. You do realize that, right? It can't happen on most other missions, where there are people on the planet or unknown dangers."

Daniel let his frown smooth under Jack's touch, then turned his face to kiss Jack's palm. "I know, Jack. Are you worried that I might pull hissy fits if I come on to you on other missions and you're forced to reject me? Is that what you're afraid of?"

Jack hadn't expected that Daniel would say it so plainly so all he did was nod. Daniel smiled gently. "Don't worry. I'm not that stupid as to think with my dick all the time," then his grin widened, making Jack return it. Jack held his face and kissed him once more before they both settled down into a somewhat fitful, slightly uncomfortable doze. The only thing that seemed to make it bearable was subconsciously knowing the other was there.

After handing in their mission report late the next day, along with a strong warning about the humidity of the planet, SG1 were dismissed for the weekend before their next mission brief on Monday.

As they changed into their civilian clothes, Daniel took his time, wanting to ask Jack to his apartment for dinner but waiting for Sam to finish up before he said anything. Soon enough, Sam finished and walked over to Daniel to do what Daniel felt would be their 'thing' for a while. She tugged firmly on his dog tags that were plainly visible as he stood there shirtless.

"Stop yanking my chain, Sam," Daniel said with a smirk. That earned him the snorting laugh from Sam, before she kissed his cheek and left, waving goodbye at Jack. Jack seemed to find the whole thing humourous, smiling wordlessly as he finished dressing.

Daniel took his cue. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner," he asked, wondering why he had this sudden feeling that Jack would turn him down.

"I can't, Daniel, I'm sorry. I made plans. Didn't you make reservations at the club this weekend?"

Daniel swallowed and answered despite the heat rising in his cheeks. "No, I didn't," he said shortly, turning away, masking the embarrassing emotion by grabbing for his cream-colored shirt. He buttoned up quickly, then rolled up the sleeves, wondering why he reacted the way he did. He suddenly realized what was wrong with him: he was jealous. As soon as the realization hit him, he also became angry at himself for feeling that way. At the same time, his anger seemed to flare for another reason and that was the sinking feeling he was getting in combination with the jealousy. A hit to his self-esteem. Maybe what happened offworld would not be happening onworld anytime soon. Maybe Jack was pushing him away again. Daniel told himself it was ludicrous to think that. Jack had other lovers. He couldn't just stop his life just because Daniel called. That was absurd.

Even so, Daniel felt a sense of isolation move in to bed down with the jealousy. He chided himself, telling himself that all he really wanted was sex, not Jack, and that he was mad because Jack turned him down. That's all it was. That's all it was.

He then became disgusted with that because he couldn't go to the club as there weren't any openings. He didn't want to just 'hang out' there waiting for something to come along and...happen. Despite memberships, one had to make reservations for rooms even though one could come by the club at any time for use of their facilities and dining rooms.

If he wanted someone, like Dylan, he'd have to hang out and that had too much of the 'hooker' feeling to it. He couldn't do that. No way. His feelings moved to his absent friends and he got more than a bit irritated at Paul and Jason for being out of reach as well. Paul was stuck in DC and Jason was offworld until Sunday. The feeling of selfishness and jealousy filled him again and he definitely hated it this time. He had to get away, get away from Jack, and run away from this jealousy as fast as he possibly could.

He shut his locker a bit too hard and he winced at giving away his emotion. Jack looked at him in alarm.

"Daniel, you okay?"

"I'm fine, Jack. Sorry if I was out of line," he said much too briskly, then quickly left the gear-up room before Jack could say anything.

"Daniel, you weren't..." but Daniel left so quickly he finished his statement to an empty room. "...out of line." Sighing, Jack finished dressing, hoping that Daniel didn't stay mad. He knew what set him off even as most of his mind tried to ignore it.

Daniel shut and locked the door to his office and dropped down in his chair, feeling stupid and childish. How the hell could he feel jealousy? He didn't want to go back to his apartment with these feelings, either. The thought of it filled him with a sense of loneliness he also didn't want to feel. Forcing himself to push away all emotional thought, he opened up the files for the last translation he was working on and decided to work, even off-duty in his civilian clothes.

A few hours later, the translation was done, along with the report. He locked up and left his office and dropped the report into the box slot through the window in Hammond's office. Daniel glanced down at his watch and discovered it had actually been more than a few hours. The time was 10:30 pm. He thought he could possibly face his apartment now, and as he made his way to the elevator, he remembered that he'd left his jacket in his locker. Sighing in exasperation at himself, he made his way back to the gear-up room.

Approaching the door for his team's locker room, Daniel couldn't help but notice the large supply cart stationed outside in the corridor. He pushed on the door and entered, puzzling over the reason for the cart. He soon had his answer as he found the field locker open and someone bent over, restocking the shelves with missing items. He commented silently that it was about time that the locker was resupplied, because some of it contained medical kit restock. He didn't like bothering Janet's nurses for supplies when they needed their own.

He moved around the bench in front of his locker and cleared his throat, very obviously startling the man. The man stood up and turned, and Daniel saw that it was GS6 Stone...or rather, Alex Stone. He was suddenly reminded of the subtle come-on that Alex had given him not so long ago.

"Hi, sorry for startling you, um, Alex. I forgot my jacket." He turned and opened his locker, retrieving his jacket.

"Dr. Jackson...Daniel...hello. What's keeping you here late?" he asked, returning to his business.

"Finished a translation. My evening was shot to hell and I suddenly had nothing to do so..." He shut his locker and instead of leaving, he hesitated and in doing so, Alex turned around to look at him. "I didn't know you resupplied our field lockers." Daniel had a question in mind, but he wasn't sure if Alex was still interested. Although what Alex was interested in exactly, Daniel didn't know either, but he suddenly wanted to find out, if he could. Alex turned and placed a few more items on the shelves, then closed it. The small supply organizer he carried was now empty and he set it down on Daniel's bench.

Alex ran a hand through his thick, wavy blond hair. Daniel found himself examining Alex's features again. The man had hazel eyes, a long, aquiline nose, and chiseled jawline that gave him a polished look. His mouth was seductive. Somewhat full and pouty, kind of like Jason's, though it was a bit wider. His body seemed to be well defined and muscular, as would be expected, but Daniel couldn't tell from the fatigues he wore. His body language, however, told Daniel that he was still interested, judging by the way he was moving just a bit closer.

"My shift ended half an hour ago, though we really don't have shifts. We leave when our work is done...usually. I was restocking the last of the field lockers, which just so happened to be yours." He gave Daniel a bright smile, his white, wolfish teeth giving the air of danger that curiously sent a shiver down Daniel's spine.

Daniel cleared his throat and decided not to dance around the issue. "You made me an offer a little while back. I was wondering if you were still interested."

Alex's smile became seductive. "For you, I'm always interested. I don't make offers like that very often, by the way."

Daniel felt a little relieved by that information, though he hadn't been aware until just then that it was something his ego needed to hear. "That's good to know. So, um, are you busy this evening, or...?" and Daniel hoped like hell that the man wasn't.

Alex shook his head, and Daniel felt relief...and his excitement began to climb. "I knew I'd be possibly working late so I made no plans. I take it you're...not busy?"

Daniel gave him a sly smile. "Oh, not anymore. You feel like company?" Alex took a few steps closer until he was barely a foot away. He reached out his hand and drew a finger over the exposed skin above Daniel's collar from the hollow at his throat down his chest. He felt the tags underneath Daniel's shirt and smiled briefly before moving his fingertips over the shirt, brushing over a nipple and smiling at Daniel as it hardened.

"I a matter of fact."

Daniel felt the heat travel quickly through his groin and his cock stiffened immediately. He suddenly caught Alex's hand and grabbed his face to pull him in for a kiss. Alex opened his mouth right away and his tongue sought out Daniel's while his hands began to seek out the hard muscles of his body. When one of his hands slid over and rubbed against Daniel's cock, Daniel turned and pushed him against his locker with his legs pressed against Alex's, nearly pinning him. Alex's hand hadn't moved from Daniel's crotch, either. In fact, his caresses became more firm.

"Aren't you afraid someone will come in here, maybe looking for you?" Daniel asked, his breathing excited, his heart hammering at the thought of where they were.

"No," Alex replied as he pushed Daniel away from him and moved to the door to swipe his key card through an access port. The red light on the display came on. The door was now locked. He moved back over to Daniel and returned his hand against Daniel's erection, squeezing him, letting Daniel know exactly what was on his mind. Daniel hissed. He wanted to fuck the man right there, on the bench but he was afraid that he couldn't keep quiet and had no idea if Alex could, either.

"I'm rather...noisy," Daniel whispered.

Alex smiled at the familiarity. "So am I. We'll have to be quiet, unless you want to go elsewhere."

"Not...right now," Daniel stated as his excitement grew. He tilted his head slightly. "And, um, just to make sure we are talking about the same thing..." and he reached down and passed his long fingers firmly over Alex's groin, feeling his erection. Alex automatically pushed at his hand for more as his own hand caressed the outline of Daniel's cock. Daniel felt Alex stiffen appreciatively under his touch and could tell the man's cock was slightly thicker than his own.

"Yes, I'd say we're speaking the same language," Alex whispered.

"Good," Daniel said, while he continued to rub the man's erection, his fingers slightly squeezing. He loved the reaction he was getting from Alex and his own cock was now throbbing madly from Alex's attention. He gently pushed Alex backward into the shower room, steering the man into a cubicle, then began to unbutton the man's pants, sliding the zipper down slowly. He heard Alex gasp as he ran his fingers over the boxer-covered erection. Alex's cock definitely felt slightly bigger than his own, but he couldn't be sure. What he was sure of was that he wanted to touch it, watch it respond to his touch, watch it spasm as it spurted semen. His thoughts were of pure, raw lust, and he knew this was what he needed.

He heard Alex groan and he looked up to see the lust equally hot in his eyes. Daniel removed Alex's fatigue shirt, hanging it up on the hook outside the cubicle. Alex crossed his arms and removed his t-shirt and Daniel took it from him, hanging it up. He paused, looking over the broad, lightly haired, muscular chest and taut nipples. He brushed them with his thumbs, gaining a soft gasp in response. He moved his hands down the man's abdomen and slowly pushed his boxers down along with his trousers, stopping just past the man's buttocks. Alex had large, muscular thighs so his pants did not drop to his ankles.

Daniel looked up at him. "How far do you want to take this right now?"

Alex's cock twitched and bobbed a bit. "As far as you want to take it," he said, his voice breathless and short.

Daniel gave him an odd smile. He wanted to fuck him. At first, he wanted the man to fuck him, but now... "I need to get something. Don't take off your pants." Daniel went back to his locker, feeling slightly shaky at what he knew he was going to do. The shakiness had nothing to do with nervousness. Daniel was filled with exhilaration, heightened by the forbidden factor of where they were. He grabbed the lube out of his personal items, then went back to the cubicle.

When he reached for Alex, Alex held out his hand and stopped him. "Wait." Daniel thought he'd changed his mind but Alex began to unbutton his shirt, then open it, running his hands appreciatively over his chest, his erect nipples. Alex's fingers deftly opened his jeans and pushed them down, along with his boxers, releasing his cock. He wrapped his fingers around the shaft and began to stroke, moving his thumb over the head, rubbing deliciously.

Daniel moaned quietly as he reached out and took Alex's dick in his hand and proceeded to mirror Alex's hand movements while he stared into Alex's eyes.

"Daniel," Alex groaned, and reached his other hand up and pulled Daniel into a hungry kiss while his hand continued to stroke him. He moaned again as Alex's tongue caressed his mouth and he dropped the lube in order to comb his fingers through Alex's hair, pulling firmly. His need to climax suddenly became more paramount and all he wanted was to get off in any way possible. Somewhere in the back of his mind he told himself that this might just be what a buddy fuck was and the rest of him said he didn't care. He kissed Alex harder as he pressed his body roughly against him. His hand left Alex's cock and grabbed the edge of the cubicle over Alex's head for leverage as he thrust his hips into Alex's stroking hand. Alex groaned needily as he took the hint and grabbed hold of both cocks while his free hand grabbed Daniel's ass. Daniel moved harder, wilder, his excitement climbing high, his balls tightening for the coming release. He moaned and broke the kiss, gasping and panting rapidly at the anticipation of his orgasm.

"Yes, yes, yes," he whispered, thrusting now, feeling Alex's hand tighten and the fingers of his other hand digging into his ass as he thrust back and echoed his sentiments. Just before he felt he could come, he whispered harshly into Alex's ear, "Finger-fuck me," not bothering to stop the rocking grind of his hips. He held onto the top edge of the cubicle with one hand while the other reached behind Alex's ass, feeling him open for him as he thrust his middle finger inside the man's hot, tight ass.

Alex moaned wantonly and thrust a finger inside him, making Daniel gasp, "Yes, that's it!" He kissed Alex hard, his finger working rapidly in and out of Alex's ass while he rocked faster, finding that delicious friction against his cock as Alex rubbed their shafts together. Daniel moaned as Alex suddenly moved both of his hands faster; tightening his fingers as he stroked their shafts while his finger moved frantically inside him. The stimulation brought Daniel an exquisite orgasm and he moaned continuously into Alex's mouth as his semen spilled between them, coating their skin. Alex came right after him, his fingers tightening and milking their cocks until spent.

Reading post-coital gratitude in each other's eyes, they cleaned up, got dressed and moved back out into the locker area. Before leaving the room, Alex touched Daniel's arm.

"Hold on, Daniel." Alex fished through his breast pocket and pulled out a small memo pad and pencil. He wrote down a number, tore off the sheet of paper and handed it to him. "In case this wasn't a one-off, here's my cell number. Give me a call if you feel the need to get together again."

"I will, Alex. Thanks." He took Alex's pencil and wrote down his own number and handed it to him. "The same applies to you."

As he walked away, Daniel felt a little strange. He'd just succumbed to something he'd hated the idea of. A buddy fuck. Oddly, it hadn't seemed like that was what he was doing, and even now, afterward, it still didn't feel like one. Daniel felt that he'd acquired one more lover, albeit a strictly temporary one. He also knew that he didn't feel a whole lot for Alex, and that felt strange. What wasn't strange was that Alex had inadvertently helped him. The chaotic thoughts he'd been struggling with were gone.

As Daniel reached his car and got inside, he paused just before turning over the ignition, his hand stilling on the key. Another realization came to him and he had to examine its significance. The sex he'd just had with Alex was nearly the same as he'd had with Jack offworld. Was it a coincidence? He thought about it for a moment and decided, that no, it wasn't a coincidence.

In the past, rubbing had been a position he had preferred when he wasn't going to have penetrative sex but had wanted to be close to his partner and he'd simply gone back to it. But was there a difference between what he'd had with Jack and what he'd just done with Alex? The answer to that was obvious. With Jack, Daniel felt his desire everywhere and it had an electrical quality to it. It was a mixture of both love and lust. With Alex, he felt his desire only in his groin and knew that it was only lust that drove him.

The rest of the weekend was quiet and uneventful for Daniel. He contemplated what he'd done and decided that if he'd had to do it over again, he would have. The time for being afraid to live his own life under the homophobic hat of the military was over. He'd grab what he could, within reason. He'd be careful. He decided that since Alex was willing, he'd be the only one that he'd have sex with - aside from his friends, and maybe Dylan, if he saw him again. Alex seemed more than willing to share the risks. However, they'd also have to take their business off-base. On the base really was too risky, and though that risk had heightened his pleasure, he shouldn't let himself succumb to it again. He really shouldn't.

After getting dressed by himself in the gear-up room, Daniel took his latest issue of Archaeology Today with him to the cafeteria to get his breakfast. He hadn't seen his teammates yet, nor Jason for that matter. He began to feel a little bit isolated once again and quickly resigned himself to the knowledge that he'd probably always feel that way no matter what so he'd just better get used to it and on with his life. He wasn't hungry for anything sweet so he settled for hash browns and eggs, then grabbed himself some fresh coffee and sat down to eat and read.

As he became engrossed in the latest scientific methods for unravelling the mysteries of the past, he didn't notice his teammates come in, or pay attention when they sat down around him. Teal'c was the one who startled him, making him realize that he held his fork in mid-air, the contents long since redeposited on his plate.

"Kel shah, DanielJackson," Teal'c said, sitting down next to Daniel as he set his plates from the service tray on the table.

Daniel looked up, put his fork down, and glanced at Teal'c. "Uh, good morning, Teal'c. How are you?" he said amiably, glad to see his Jaffa teammate.

"I am well, DanielJackson. You appear to be well, too."

Daniel shrugged. "I guess so." Soon after he said it, he knew how the conversation would go, but he didn't mind. It was almost a game between himself and Teal'c.

"You are not sure, then."

"I never am when it concerns this place, Teal'c."

"I understand," Teal'c said, then shut up and got busy eating. Despite the one time when Urgo was in his head, Teal'c usually did not speak while he ate, unlike every human he'd observed, including his close friends.

Daniel looked over at Sam and Jack, sitting across from him, and they were eyeing him for some reason. "Good morning, and why are you looking at me like that?" and he put a hand to his face, then ran it over his hair. "Have I got something...?"

Jack smirked. "No, Daniel. You're fine. You just look....a little different." Sam nodded in agreement.

Daniel frowned. "No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."



"DON'T," Daniel emphasized, raising his eyebrows in an often-seen haughty expression that told Jack that Daniel was plainly in the right and that Jack was being an ass, as usual. He took a sip from his coffee and Jack purposely chose that moment to ask,

"You must've gotten laid, or something."

Daniel almost choked but caught himself in time, giving Jack such an eerily calm stare that Jack straightened, and then looked at Sam, as if she could decipher the unknown meaning. She only grinned, then gave him the 'hey, don't look at me,' look.

Daniel smirked at Jack then, happy to have caused him some discomfort and looked back to his magazine. In another irritating gesture that annoyed Daniel no end, Jack reached over and tapped the magazine under his nose to get his attention. Daniel looked up over the rim of his glasses.


"Did you or didn't you?"

Daniel wasn't about to answer, but suddenly he saw Alex two rows of tables behind Jack, standing and taking his tray away. He looked over at Daniel, nodded and smiled, and Daniel returned the gestures, then looked back down at the magazine before Jack could see who he was smiling at. Jack turned round regardless and saw only a few milling people, some of them in Alex's vicinity so he couldn't be sure who it was Daniel had greeted.

"Who were you nodding at?" Jack asked, turning back around.

"A friend, Jack," he said, being deliberately evasive. Jack's question suddenly got on his nerves because of the way Jack said it. His tone implied Daniel didn't have a right to have friends he didn't know about. "You have friends I don't know about, right?" He could see Sam agreeing with him from her nod. Jack narrowed his eyes and became annoyed instead.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Only that you're too protective so back off and allow me my few secrets."

"Daniel, you have a habit of needing protection from your secrets."

Jack's flippant remark made Daniel angry. Sam didn't like it, either, but she'd learned in the past that Daniel preferred to fight his own battles and it was enough for him to know that she supported him with a sympathetic or outraged look. She gave Jack an outraged look this time.

Daniel set his cup down and stood up, glaring coldly at Jack. "Teal'c, would you do me a favor and dump this for me? I have the sudden need to be elsewhere."

"Daniel, sit down. I'm sorry."

Daniel didn't say a word to him. He just patted Teal'c on the shoulder, gave Sam a short smile, then walked off. Jack drank the rest of his coffee and got up to go after him.

"Sir, just leave him be for now."

Jack waved her off. "Can't do that, Carter."

He stalked off after Daniel, knowing the man was heading for his office.

Daniel was seething by the time he reached his office and locked the door. The longer the words reverberated through his mind, the madder he became. He needed protection? Bullshit! If there was anything that needed protection right now, it was Jack. How dare he say something like that. It automatically brought up the two secrets Daniel had had that had ended up threatening his life. Shau're and Sarah, via Amaunet and Osiris.

He paced back and forth, unwilling to sit down because if he did, he might hurl objects within his vicinity and there weren't any suitable for trashing.

How Jack could just cut him like that, without a thought...obviously the supposedly old ability to do that was still there, still fresh, still available for Jack to use anytime he damn well wanted.

Jack had had no right, no right whatsoever to bring that up and use it again him. What could have possessed the man to say such a thing? Did Jack suddenly decide to resort to rudeness just because Daniel wouldn't tell him who he'd nodded to in the cafeteria?

The answers he tried to come up with weren't good, or reasonable, or understanding, or...or...anything that made sense. Out of frustration, Daniel made a fist and punched the metal supply locker, denting it, and his knuckles. He leaned his forehead against the cold metal, wincing at the sudden pain he'd caused himself. Jack was the only one who could provoke Daniel to violence...well, except for the Goa'uld and the Replicators.

A sudden attempt to open his door caught Daniel's attention. Jack. Jack would have to use his clearance number to bypass the lock and when the green light lit up on the display pad, it indicated that he had done exactly that. The door opened and Jack stepped inside, shutting it behind him...and locking it. Daniel eyed him angrily as he leaned against the locker, watching the man come toward him.

Jack frowned as he saw Daniel holding his fist in his other hand, cradling it. His eyes travelled to the locker's surface, finding the dent's shadow behind Daniel's waist but unsure if the dent was old or new. He wanted to say several things to Daniel but he knew he only had to say one, which he already did, but it had meant nothing to Daniel so he had to say it as many times as necessary for Daniel to believe him.

"I'm sorry. I was callous and cruel, and I shouldn't have said it." Jack reached him, then took Daniel's hand in his, examining the bruised and torn skin. He winced in sympathy because he knew it must hurt. The skin and muscle tissue was already turning purple, blue, and red.

Daniel suddenly didn't know what to make of him. Callous one moment, caring the next. "Do you enjoy hurting me?"

Jack emphatically shook his head as his thumb lightly touched the skin around the torn knuckles, then brushed the back of his fingers over Daniel's. "No."

"Then why?" Daniel asked, the emotions of anger and hurt apparent in his eyes.

Jack stared at Daniel's hand as he stroked the fingers. He didn't look up when he spoke. "I think maybe I got mad because you didn't answer my question."

Not bothering to move his hands away from Jack's, Daniel stared into his face. He so desperately wanted an answer, so desperately needed to understand why Jack would say what he said. When Jack finally looked up into his eyes, Daniel saw something flicker in them and it almost looked as if Jack was maybe...jealous...not just over-protective. He swallowed his anger just a bit, feeling both irritated and flattered. He didn't like jealousy, but the knowledge that Jack could be jealous made him feel absurdly good. "I got irritated. The way you asked me who it was I waved at sounded as if I needed to clear my friendships through you. I don't, you know."

"No," Jack said softly, not taking his eyes from Daniel's. "You don't." He could have said more, but it wasn't needed. Their silent communication hadn't ever disappeared, even during their difficult times, and it seemed stronger than ever now. Daniel could tell Jack was sorry, and he thought that maybe he understood him a little more now. Their intimacy offworld was more than just a need to get off with someone you were attracted to. Of course, he'd always known Jack loved him, but not loved him loved him. Daniel felt a little better about it, but he was suddenly reminded of the jealousy he himself had felt about Jack not telling him whom he was seeing that previous Friday. No matter how much it had dissipated, his own jealousy remained. Wasn't fair, was it. Couldn't accuse a man of jealousy and then feel it yourself. It wasn't right. But neither was it right for Jack to expect an answer from him when Daniel had no clue who he was seeing.

"Jack, you don't tell me who you're seeing. Why should I tell you? It's not exactly fair for it to be one way, now is it?"

"No, Daniel. It isn't. It won't happen again. I promise."

Daniel suddenly realized that Jack's face was inching closer, little by little, until their lips touched, briefly, softly. A tender apology. From Jack to him.

Daniel suddenly felt that electrical warmth spreading through him...heading straight into his groin. He began to stiffen.

Jack took a half step back, his expression soft. "Come on, let's go get this looked at. We have a little while before the briefing."

Daniel winced and remained where he was. "Janet's gonna kill me."

Jack grinned at him, then nodded to the door. "Come on."

"Not just yet."

"Why not?"

"You gave me a hard-on."

Jack's grin turned extremely smug. "Really?"

Daniel's grin became slightly accusatory. "Really, as if you didn't know, you bastard."

Jack's smug expression only intensified. "Well, well, well. So, how hard?"

Daniel narrowed his eyes as Jack looked down. He couldn't see anything with his fatigue shirt covering his groin. "Hard enough."

Jack looked back up at him and Daniel recognized the look in Jack's eyes. The look that said, "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right." He'd never seen that expression aimed at him before. His eyes got wide and though he wanted to move away, he stood his ground instead. Dangerous ground. Jack gave him one his 'charming the snake out of its skin' smiles as he moved his hands behind Daniel's waist and neck.

"Jack, I thought you said 'not on base'," Daniel asked, unable to take his eyes from Jack's lips.

"Yes, I did, didn't I," he whispered, his mouth closing over Daniel's, his tongue pushing easily into Daniel's mouth. Daniel couldn't help himself and he let a tiny moan escape his throat. He suddenly forgot about the pain in his bruised knuckles as he slid his hands up Jack's back to clasp over the back of his shoulders - hard. Jack's tongue was doing it again, fucking his mouth, and his body was thrumming in seconds. Suddenly Daniel needed to know and his hand came down over Jack's crotch and found him just as hard. Jack moaned and thrust his hips into Daniel's hand. Daniel squeezed and massaged and Jack kissed him harder. The two of them were seemingly lost in each other, dangerously lost, until they both simultaneously realized where they were and what they were doing. They stepped apart, their hearts hammering, their lips puffy and blushed.



"I think you and I need to have a we get home," Daniel stated as he moved to sit down, then thought better of it and leaned against a bookshelf.

"A talk?" Jack asked, leaning against the lab table. "I don't think a talk will solve this," and he indicated both his and Daniel's state of arousal.

Daniel gave him a sarcastic glare. "Then substitute whatever word you like for talk."

Jack gave him a secretive smile. "Then...we definitely need"

part eight

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