by So a friend who shall remain nameless for her own safety drew our attention to a C.S.I. fan fic. in which Nick Stokes and his lover, Warrick Brown, are smitten by a cute little animal - a beagle puppy... The lightbulb over my head lit up with the power of a thousand candles! I suddenly realized what my fics. have been lacking. Yes, animals! How could I have missed it? How could I have been so blind?! I also realized at the same time that my Jack and Daniel are not fluffy enough - at least, Daniel isn't. I have now remedied these flaws. For your delectation here is a brand spanking new fic. (No, not that sort - my Jacky would never hurt a hair on his beloved little Spacemonkey's head.) It's only short, (the fic. that is, not Daniel's hair - that's long and silky) 'cos I'm just feeling my way here. (What am I saying?! Okay, just a bit of wishful thinking crept in there. Oh gawd, look at me, I'm babbling...) Oh, the category? Horror, possibly. Bad!Fic, definitely. Unbeta-ed, 'cuz beta-ing is so passé. Warning: have an insulin shot handy... "Oh! Oh, Jack, look!" Daniel grabbed his big strong lover's arm and dragged him over to the pet shop window. "Aren't they just so gorgeous?" "Don't tell me, Dannikins, you've always wanted one?" "Oh Jack," Danny looked into his lover's soft chocolate brown eyes, "How did you guess?" **Well, I have this psychic ability to read your thoughts, Danny Boy** "So can we have one, Jack? Can we? Can we? Please say yes," Danny beseeched him. Jack looked down into those wide pleading cerulean blue orbs and knew he was lost. "Okay, Danny. How could I refuse you anything?" "You know, Love, if we just buy one, her sister will feel all hurt and rejected. We can't do that, can we? Please, Jack, please say we can buy them both." As a consolation, he added, "I'll have one and you can have the other." "Okay, Danny-love. What shall we call them?" Danny thought a little while, wrinkling his forehead and chewing his finger in a way that sent all Jack's blood down to his little black ops colonel. "I'll think of something," he said. Meanwhile, they bought the beautiful handsome pair - the seal point for Jack and the blue point for Daniel - to match his eyes. Then they went home singing "We are Saime-ese if you ple-ease, we are Siame-ese, if you don't please," slightly off-key, and Jack and Danny lived happily ever after with Medea and Medusa.
~~The End - But is it ever Really?~~ Oops! I nearly forgot! Please send lots of lovely feedback telling me how
wonderful this fic. is and what a wonderful person I am for writing it.
Otherwise I will have a tantrum and refuse to write any more lovely fics. for
you to admire.