Written by International Best-Selling Author,
Season 6 - it should really be Season 1, of course
Spoilers: 'A Matter of Time'; 'Fair Game'; 'Tangent'; 'Ascension'; 'Meridian'; 'Redemption -I' P.o.V. - 3rd. Person ( that's First Person really
Summary: How Jonas Quinn single-handedly saved the world...
Caution: a slight lapse of good taste towards the end - Ed.
Unfortunately, the Tau'ri did not immediately appreciate their immense good fortune in acquiring the services of such a heroic and talented person as JO-O-O-NAS QUINN!!!
Colonel O'Neill, who for some strange reason seemed impervious to the Quinn charm, was also resistant to the idea of including Jonas in his precious team. This caused him a lot of suffering, (which served him jolly well right!) He even tried out that foreign fellow from the U.S.S. Enterprise - not Sulu, the Russian one, Chekov. Absolutely useless! O'Neill was well pissed off. |
Jonas kept confronting General Hammond and all the members of S.G. -1, leaping up and down, waving his arms and crying, "Me, me, me! Please pick me! You know you need me!" Nada. Zip. Zilch. Jonas realized he would have to charm his team-members-in-waiting one by one. Teal'c showed signs of weakening. The big Jaffa - a fellow alien - said Jonas might have a chance if he could knock him down at boxing. No sooner said than done. Jonas had read 'Humorous Applications of Mechanics' only half an hour ago. He set out build the ideal gadget for the job from a large coiled spring borrowed from Sergeant Siler, a spare lump of naquadah from Sam's lab and a few other bits and pieces. (Those repeats of 'MacGyver' are very useful and informative. The guy looks very familiar somehow, but I can't place the face.) |
His plan worked like a
dream. Teal'c was out cold for 24 hours. Dr. Fraiser says his skull looks like
a boiled egg that's been hit by a spoon, and that he won't be fit for active
duty for several months to come. This is not a problem. I am perfectly capable
of replacing both him and Dr. Jackson. But still they wouldn't accept Jonas.
Why? He's smart, he's a hunk, he's a supernaturally quick study, he's charming,
got a fabulous smile
Next up was Super Sam. I was quite surprised to find that she's saved the world several times over, and without smearing her make-up. (I think she must have had it tattooed on.) |
Anyway, she was having problems with her
naquadriah design. How on earth did she get into S.G. -1? All Jonas had to do
was flip through a couple of post-graduate maths and physics books and he soon
put her right. And did she show her gratitude by flinging her arms around my
neck and kissing me like any self-respecting groupie would? Don't hold your
breath! She did privately insist that I take her place as S.G. -1's scientist,
By now, it had to be obvious to anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together that Jonas was the Quinn-tessential member of S.G. -1. General Hammond was beginning to waver but Colonel O'Neill was still adamant. Jonas decided that, for the sake of the planet, O'Neill had to go. There was a test flight of the new X-302 due shortly. Jonas managed to have a quiet word with his friend, Senator Kinsey, who had a word with the N.I.D. They supplied Jonas with the relevant gizmo from another downed death glider, and Colonel O'Neill was off on his way out of the solar system again.
(Hey, so it's been done before. Since when did the scriptwriters ever bother with originality? - J.Q.)
This left Jonas, as the only viable
candidate to take on Earth's current attacker, Anubis. General Hammond finally
had to agree. He made me Commanding Officer of S.G. -1, and asked me to pick my
own team - er - that would be Jonas's team... Jonas bravely dispensed with any
support. He would go it alone so that no more members of S.G.C. would need to
die, because Jonas Quinn is the One in S.G.-1!
Besides, he did have one mate with him...
Before tackling the new invincible baddie, Jonas borrowed a couple more springs
from Sergeant Siler, and spent two minutes 13 seconds reading 'Inspector
Next he requisitioned an old teltac, 100 pounds of pure raw titanium, 200 feet of fibre optic cable, 7 x 100,000 watt industrial strength capacitors and a toaster. (He'd read the mission report relating to P4X-636.)
"Prepare to meet your doom!" declared Anubis.
(See what I mean about originality? How can you be afraid of that? Of course there is the possibility of his gaining a tempo while you corpse with laughter! - J.Q.)
Jonas knew no fear. He'd read Nirrti's 'Phase-Shifting for Dummies', and Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland'. He'd also been watching a programme about the wartime exploits of the stage magician, Jasper Maskellyn and Freddie Mercury's video of 'I Was Born To Love You'. He was ready to kick ass.
He leapt into his modified teltac and took off to meet Anubis's mother ship which was in geostationary orbit above the Earth.
"Prepare to meet your doom!" declared Anubis again.
Jonas began to think he had the threat on a tape loop.
"Nah, you come over here, you big one-eyed trouser snake!" Jonas taunted. (He'd read the 'Penguin Slang Thesaurus'.)
Anubis, angered beyond all reason, ringed down into Jonas's teltac. And found himself in a room lined with mirrors. Jonas smiled. The reflections from his teeth bounced around the mirrors, dazzling the System Lord. Then Jonas switched on his phase-shifting device. His body disappeared, leaving only his smile behind...
Suddenly, he switched off the smile. Anubis was still reeling from the countless brilliant smiles as Jonas stole behind the System Lord - but not in the thieving sense, oh no! He grabbed his Mate and ripped open the wrapper. Quickly, he pulled black Guinness-flavoured condom over Anubis's head and down to his feet - those things really do stretch, you know! - simultaneously silencing and confining the glistening black shape of the enemy.
Next he dialled up P3X- 451 on his home-made Stargate and launched Anubis into the Black Hole. It seemed appropriate somehow... Finally, Jonas ringed himself back to Earth and a Superhero's welcome. Unfortunately, in the time that it had taken to walk from the little Stargate to the ring transporter, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity had kicked in and 25,000 years had passed on Earth... All that remained was a barren, dusty planet, a Stargate and a D.H.D. "Oh well, when a Superhero's gotta do what a Superhero's gotta do," he said, dialling a random address. Boldy he stepped through the Stargate to begin his next Great Adventure... |
Fizz... Ting!