Time Line and 'Future History'
For the sake of completeness and to show I put in the
spadework before I started this project
- something I suspect TWIC would never even consider doing - I thought I'd fill
in a little more background.
This begins in the year 2000, around mid-season 3 of
Stargate SG-1, and runs to 2109 when SG-24 is formed.
WARNING: There may be spoilers. The really big spoilers have been omitted.
Birth of Jack and Laira's
twin sons, Adam and Brendan O'Neill October 31st 2000. Thereafter,
during Jack's leadership of S.G.-1, he took the time out for a side mission to
Edora whenever circumstances allowed, i.e. they weren't running hell for
leather through the 'Gate. He was, perforce, an absentee father but wanted his
sons to know who he was at such time as he could relocate to Edora. The rest of
the team covered for him, and after he moved to Washington, they continued to
maintain the contact on his behalf, often taking small gifts.
Over time, Jack taught his sons about Irish legendary heroes.
Serena Jackson [24] gained her first
Col. Carter sent as O.C. of Atlantis. Ori problem fixed.
A Democrat elected to the White House. (Prescient or what?! G)
Daniel taught Serena Linear A/Goa'uld and his version of demotic script
so that she could read his journals once she had security clearance.
U.S. troops in Iraq begin a phased withdrawal;
commitment of troops to Afghanistan reduced. (Got that one wrong!) Released
funds channeled into health and social welfare.
Returning troops redeployed to Civil Guard and Emergency Services.
Attempt (failed) to remove D.A.D.T.
Nine major hurricanes
including five Category 5s: Fiona, Igor, Lisa, Otto and Theta.
These were dealt with speedily and efficiently by the redeployed troops with a
smaller financial commitment in war zones. This left the President riding a
popularity high at home.
With Iraq teetering on the brink of all-out civil war, the name of America was
mud abroad but, as the President frequently declared: 'Charity begins at home.'
2011-2020: Marriages, Births and Political
Dr. Serena Jackson [27]
joined the S.G.C.
Major Tom Pepperday [32] joined the S.G.C.
June 21st: Serena and Tom married;
Serena left the S.G.C. until 2026.
Seeing the way the wind was blowing politically and fearing a Republican
President, Jack decided it was time to cut and run. It was, in any case, time
to be a full-time father with his sons now nearly twelve years old. His affairs
had been put in order the previous year and kept that way. Such things as he
didn't want to leave behind had already been smuggled through to Edora by SG-1.
October 31st: With the connivance of S.G.-1, a diplomatic mission was
organized to planet, allegedly rich in mineral resources, whose inhabitants
demanded a high official to negotiate. Detailed in Daniel's journal in
Prelude 1: Maxine. S.G.-1 continued to make side missions to Edora to visit
Jack and family whenever possible.
November: the incumbent President was returned for a second term
(fingers crossed.) Republicans made murmured protests about electoral fixing,
but shut up when the President threatened to re-open
investigations into the 2000 and 2004 elections.
Eleven major hurricanes including five
Category 5s: Delia, Hector, Luke, Zachary and Mu.
Record breaking tornado
season resulting in several small towns being removed from the map, a
couple of universities destroyed and harvests seriously hit by the wheat rust
Daniel suggested using the Stargate to trade in grain
and also cattle as pasturage had been affected. The U.S. would supply farming
tools and other equipment plus advice in advanced farming methods in exchange
for wheat. Fledgling treaties were set up with agrarian cultures including
the Land of Light, Cartago, Ignacia- the mediaeval
Christians' planet, Juna and Edora.
Things got off to a slow start, to Daniel's manifest frustration. During
official visits to Edora by Tau'ri dignitaries, Jack and his sons would
go off on protracted huntin' and fishin' expeditions.
March 24th: Jonathan
Pepperday born
Major drought seriously damaged food
crops. Civil Guard and Emergency Services unable to solve the problem entirely,
and not enough could be imported from off-world, necessitating buying in grain
from Russia - very unpopular.
November: A Republican moderate was elected to the White House. He
saw the value of trading off-world for food. The source was kept secret and the
figures fudged to suggest all was well with food production; if one area was
having problems, the others took up the slack.
Further missions were instructed to focus on a search for agrarian communities.
January 30th: Claire Pepperday born
June 30th: Rosa Pepperday born
September: Brendan O'Neill married Edoran girl, Rusira
2021-2030: More Marriages, Births and
Political Wrangling
This decade saw drought, caused by global warming, as an
problem solved, but only just, by imports of food from other planets.
The crew of Atlantis found a
spare and fully charged Z.P.M. which was sent to Earth.
The old Antarctic D.H.D. was de-mothballed and the Z.P.M. installed. This
D.H.D. was stored in Level 28 of the S.G.C. as a back-up in case of
catastrophic failure of the dialing computer.
October 31st: Adam and Brendan turned 21.
January: Brendan and Rusira had a
daughter, Zilsha O'Neill.
August: Adam O'Neill married
Edoran girl, Lilendra.
December: Brendan and Rusira had a son, Cormac O'Neill.
May: Adam and Lilendra
had a son, Declan O'Neill.
November: Brendan and
Rusira had a son, Ewan O'Neill.
April: Colonel Tom Pepperday
[47] listed as K.I.A. Serena [42] was left with three children,
Jonathan [11], Claire [9] and Rosa [6]
Adam and Lilendra had a son, Felan O'Neill.
May: Dr. Daniel Jackson [60] retired from the S.G.C. to spend
more time with his daughter and grandchildren.
Before he retired, he went on one final mission which included a side visit
to Edora to see Jack for what would probably be - and was - the very last
time. They exchanged tokens of friendship, to be returned when one of them
As Claire showed an aptitude for languages and was an apt pupil,
Daniel passed on much of his knowledge to her, including the Linear
A/Goa'uld and his version of demotic script. It was their little
secret. He hoped that one day, his journals would be passed on to her.
Adam and Lilendra had a twin son and
daughter, Gregor and Sharna O'Neill.
October: Dr. Serena Jackson [44]
rejoined the S.G.C. Daniel [63] looked after her children, now 14, 11
and 9.
Brendan and Rusira had a daughter,
Amsina O'Neill.
2031-2040: Everything Ticking Over Nicely
Eruption of the volcano,
Pinatubo, in the Philippines spread ash around the world, lowering the
global temperature enough to restore pretty much normal conditions.
Claire Pepperday graduated summa cum
laude in Arch. and Anth. at Chicago.
Claire gained a third degree in
Ancient Languages from Princeton.
Claire gained her first
doctorate in anthropology, also from Princeton.
Eruption of El Chichón lowered global
temperatures to non-threatening levels. Complacency set in: God will keep the
world safe...
2041-2050: Two Deaths and Political Problems
Towards the end of this decade, global warming was again becoming a
threat with droughts, hurricanes and tornadoes. There were rumblings
from Fundamentalist Christians who began serious prophesying 'End of
Days' scenarios. These were not taken too seriously at this time in the
expectation that 'with God on their side, what can go wrong?' There had been
nicely timed volcanic eruptions in time of need in the past and God would
surely do the same again soon... Life went on.
Midsummer: Claire
gained doctorates in archaeology and ancient languages from Princeton.
August 9th : Daniel
[76] received a package from Edora. It contained the Egyptian statuette he'd
given Jack in May 2026. Its arrival told him that Jack
was dead - aged 83.
Daniel asked for permission to visit Edora on compassionate grounds,
having been notified of the death of a friend who lived there. This is granted
for himself, Serena and Sam [78] who was living in sheltered
accommodation following the onset of Alzheimer's earlier in the year. Somehow,
Teal'c, now snowy-haired, had heard the news and was already there to
great his old comrades when they arrived.
Jack's mortal remains were laid to rest in alien soil
during a short ceremony led by Adam and Brendan [40]
and their mother, Laira [77].
At the wake afterwards, the rest of the original S.G.-1 heard that Jack
had been in the habit of sitting out in his rocking chair on the veranda after
dinner to watch the sun go down. When he did not return indoors as the twilight
faded, Laira went to fetch him, thinking he had fallen asleep in his chair as
he sometimes did. This time, as he slept, he had passed peacefully away, a
gentle smile on his face.
Dr. Claire Pepperday [26] joined the
S.G.C. having been head-hunted.
16th: Death of Colonel Samantha Carter.
Martha-Bethany Barnes born.
Claire became a killer and Jonathan acquired
a scar on his neck. Account of this event in SG-24 - Part
Waldo Hunter born.
Major Jonathan Pepperday [35] joined
the S.G.C.
Jonathan Pepperday married Seraphina Reid.
2051-2060: More Deaths and More Political
With no divine intervention, global warming continued. Sea level
rises saw major cities in danger of innundation - Venice, London, Shanghai and
Alexandria, among others. Many low-lying islands had disappeared and the
Netherlands were fighting a probable losing battle against the sea. New York,
that temple to Mammon, and the struggling den of vice that was New Orleans,
were also in serious danger, to which the Fundies pointed with cries of
'Told you so!' and 'Now will you believe us?'
Philo Hunter born.
Barnaby Ward born
August 15th : Rufus Pepperday,
Maxine's father, born.
Dido Hunter born.
August 9th: Death of Dr. Daniel Jackson.
[91] His death was a bit of a mystery. He was taking a walk in the park
when a violent storm hit. It was believed he was struck by lightning, yet
although his clothing remained, there was no trace of his body. This event is
recounted in Prelude 1: Maxine.
Serena Pepperday [73] died.
Kim Cassidy, Maxine's mother, born.
Teal'c rumored to have
died, possibly on Dakara, aged ~160.
Drought destroyed crops. Off-world imports could
barely cope. Rationing was imposed and there was civil unrest.
The Evangelicals, Southern Baptists and other whack jobs alternatively
preached about The End of Days, the Wrath to Come and the imminent
'Rapture.' Their schools' curricula were already heavily Bible oriented,
with science a shadow of its former self.
Teaching, or even hinting at, evolution was a sackable offence. There
were nascent signs of the coming 'Warriors of Christ.'
November: David Abbott elected President. He was avowedly
Christian but a reasonably moderate and pragmatic Republican.
2061-2070: Major Disasters and Social
A majorly desperate decade!!!
Hurricane season set in with a
vengeance. NOLA was removed from the map entirely and most of the southern and
eastern seaboards were seriously damaged. This was too much for the
Emergency Services to cope with.
W.A.S.P. communities were given preference, leading to riots
by black and Hispanic communities. These were dealt with in a heavy handed
manner by the Civil Guard. This led to the formation of The Ebony
Brotherhood, dedicated to the protection of black people, including
Creoles and people of mixed race.
The authorities decided to take the easy option and left them
largely in control of the southern states where they eked out a living in
ghettoized houses once belonging to The Whites whom they drove out of 'their
territory' - by force if the whites hadn't already removed themselves from the
areas 'polluted' by the blacks.
Swarms of tornadoes added to the misery
created by hurricanes, greatly reducing the already depleted food sources,
even taking off-world imports into account. These were already quite a drain on
the fiscal resources. Many small towns were destroyed.
A better summer meant a better harvest, and with
a reduced population, enough food to go round. It was expected that
President David Abbott would win a further term in office.
Juan de Fuco - subduction earthquake under the Cascades registered a
magnitude of 9.6 on the Richter scale.
This triggered major movements of the San Andreas and Hayward
Faults, a blind thrust fault on the San Gregorio, plus a minor
movement of the Calaveras Fault among others, with many fires, release
of radiation from a nuclear dump along the Calaveras Fault and the
semi-collapse of the south side of the Golden Gate Bridge which rendered it
unusable; likewise the western end of the Bay Bridge.
It also triggered eruptions of Mount Rainier, Mount St.
Helens and Mount Hood, but fortunately not the super-volcano under
Wyoming, which was relieved of some of the pressure on it. These eruptions,
with lahars and pyroclastic flows, laid waste to a sizeable area of Washington
and Oregon states, and notably Seattle.
Together with the preceding disasters, the population of the U.S. was
reduced by over a third. [36%] And there was no 'Rapture...' This led the
Fundies to think that they had been denied the 'Rapture' because they had
failed God in some way, specifically by not converting the whole country to
their particular brand of 'Christianity.' This led to a lot of horrific
crimes committed in God's name by the now powerful 'Warriors of Christ'.
No Muslim, Jew or gay person was safe in their zones of influence. Suddenly
everyone was a Christian (but not Catholic.)
Under the circumstances, President Abbott suspended elections, on the
grounds that they must all pull together to get through the challenges that God
had set them. Yes, he was a good Christian God-fearing soul and therefore
supported by the 'Warriors of Christ' - who had guns and knew how to use
The Survivalist Brigades of Washington, Oregon and adjacent states
who had survived the initial catastrophe, took over control of 'their
territory,' and ruled it with an iron fist - mostly with a gun in it. They were
particularly 'agin' the Native Americans for their 'drinkin,' whorin,' gamblin'
Godless ways.'
The Native Americans for their part were skilled at evading their
oppressors and made use of a now very porous border with Canada. The Canadians
in general were quite happy about this and the Mounties gave short shrift to
incursions by the Survivalists.
Finally, there were the Students of Islam a.k.a. the Taliban. They
worked in isolated groups, trying to protect their people.
Collapse of the Cheyenne Mountain
Complex. Seven S.G. teams were stranded off-world: SG-1
(commanded by Colonel Jonathan Pepperday [49] ), SG-4 who were at
the third Alpha Site (P4X-650); SG-6; SG-9; SG-11;
SG-15 and SG-23. They were all listed as M.I.A.
The Habakkuk, a Daedalus-2 class transporter, mothballed and left in
orbit was able to beam up all the living trapped below ground. Given the nature
and enormous area of the disaster, the dead were left where they were, the
S.G.C. was left as a grave site and the Stargate was also mothballed until
such time as there were sufficient funds and manpower to make it operational
Dr. Claire Pepperday [47] had been on leave at the time and hence
survived. Concerned for her brother and others trapped off-world, she
campaigned for the re-opening of Cheyenne Mountain but kept being told there
were no funds available.
The eruptions created fears of a nuclear winter.
Fortunately, as it happened near the beginning of winter, the year's harvest
had already been gathered in. Many lives were lost owing to a fierce winter,
however, with blizzards blowing in from the Arctic and many areas snowbound for
several months.
Fuel rationing continued to bite as oil reserves were rapidly running out.
The summer, though dull, was survivable. With the population down to about
57% of the figure at the beginning of the century, and heavy deployment of
the Civil Guard, things seemed to settle down. Unfortunately, the
fatalities had included members of the academic community whom the country
could ill afford to lose.
This was a better year. The ash in the
atmosphere subsided enough for enough food crops to grow to feed the remaining
population. New England fared better than most and wisely refrained from
drawing attention to this. Claire continued her campaign to re-open the
June: Severe unseasonable blizzards in
early June killed off much of the food crops and wiped out the citrus fruit
trees of California and Florida. The President was driven to accede to
Claire's demands to re-open the S.G.C. Not only were there food shortages
but oil reserves were almost entirely drained. Re-opening the S.G.C. was a
major undertaking and a bit of a health risk as there were still bodies
entombed there which had to be got out and laid to rest with proper obsequies.
September: When they managed to dig out all the debris in Level
28, they found that the dialing computer had been damaged beyond repair, as
had most of the other base computer systems, but the mothballed D.H.D. was
undamaged and the self-destruct mechanism had not been activated. This was seen
as a sign from God that He smiled upon their venture and would thus provide
them with food as He had supplied Moses and the Israelites with 'manna from
Heaven' in the Wilderness. Unfortunately, with the destruction of the
dialing computer and wreckage of most other computers, all details of allied
worlds was gone. Claire said that she could remember some of the
addresses. She could certainly remember the one which her brother was
visiting when the earthquake hit. She also had all Grandfather Daniel's
journals which had full addresses of all the worlds visited during his time
with S.G.1, but that information she kept to herself.
October: The Stargate was re-opened for business. At Claire's
instigation, a visit was made to the third Alpha Site, P4X-650, in the
hopes of finding SG4, and possibly the other SG teams who might have settled
there once the G.D.O.s failed to give them the green light to return.
All they found was destruction and devastation, but not like that on the
home world. A handwritten log was found, recording the activities of the
teams trapped off-world who had gathered at the Alpha Site. The record,
however, ceased abruptly on August 14th 2066.
There were the remains of eleven humans, not including Colonel Jonathan
Pepperday. What had happened to him and the other sixteen missing SG
team members, no one knew, though they doubted it would be good.
January: The great 'flu pandemic
reduced the falling population even more. It had fallen by nearly 50% from over
303 million in 2008 to 152 million.
November: Joshua Harrington [58] elected President. He was
an extreme right-wing Republican, funded in large part by the Warriors of
Christ. He was a 'Man with a Mission' and as such, dangerous. He believed
he had been sent by God to straighten out America so that the Rapture could
begin... Very soon, pretty much everyone began to turn up at church on a
regular basis, if only to pay lip service. To do otherwise drew unwelcome
attention from The Young Warriors, the youth wing of The Warriors of
As the Stargate clearly had God's blessing,
President Joshua Harrington made it his pet project once he found out
about it. He staffed it with his own people, and renamed it The Stargate
Corporation. It was still known only as The SGC.
Claire [52] was not one of his people, and so was left out in the
Wilderness for some years, not that she wasted her time...
Joshua Harrington personally oversaw the formation of two dozen SG
teams. Sixteen of these were made up of six marines or equivalent plus
an evangelical pastor. Their missions were to discover agrarian worlds at a
low level of technology, to convert these worlds to Christianity, with death as
the alternative to conversion, rather like the Conquistadors in South
America and to collect food supplies for the U.S. The other eight teams
consisted of six marines plus a geologist, an engineer and a pastor
whose missions were to locate oil or usable fuels.
The SG teams took what they wanted, giving small hand-outs to worlds
which accepted Christianity and just taking from those who didn't. Natives
were dragooned into carrying the supplies to their Stargates. Any who
complained that they needed the food to feed their own people were beaten up
and sometimes shot - 'to encourage the others.'
2071-2080: Births, Marriages and
November: Joshua Harrington [62]
re-elected President unopposed. Food supplies were now back on-stream
and some really believed that the President had a hot-line to God who had
provided the food for them. Naturally, there was a pecking order in
rationing as to who got most food and better quality food soonest.
The Stargate was still a well-kept secret - with the threat of a charge
of treason for any who broke their oath of silence. Not that any did. They
knew a good deal when they saw it, and they had a very good deal - a certain
food supply, accommodation and other benefits Some in the vicinity but not
involved in the Stargate project, noticed grain trucks coming down from the
mountain and were suspicious. Investigation or mere interested curiosity
were assiduously and painfully discouraged. This merely served to fuel
October 13th: Joshua Harrington
[64] assassinated. The official story is that he was shot while
relaxing at Camp David on the evening of the tenth anniversary of The 'Quake by
a disaffected member of the Survivalist Brigades. They were not first in
the pecking order as they thought they should've been. That honor went to the
Civil Guard which had pretty much become the President's personal army.
The Presidency went to Joshua's Vice President and brother, Melchisedec
Harrington. [53] Melchisedec Harrington was believed by cynics to be
behind the assassination. The assassin was never caught.
Although outwardly as religious as his brother, the new President was
much more worldly. He took a keen interest in the SGC which he viewed as
his own personal treasure chest. He endowed a wing of Colorado University in
the Springs in his late brother's name.
Claire [58] was recalled to the SGC - no
option - because of her expertise. She was horrified by the way things were
being run, and felt guilty about providing the initial addresses. Her first
thoughts were towards feigning Alzheimers and retiring, but thought better of
it. Better her in that position than someone like many of the new staff -
bullies aiming for self-aggrandizement. So she knuckled down to the job and did
what little she could to ameliorate things.
October: Philo Hunter [24] died under
suspicious circumstances.
Rufus Pepperday, Maxine's father, moved to Denver to get away from his
demanding mother, Seraphina.
November: Melchisedec Harrington [
55 ] elected President and became a very controlling entity in many
departments. He had new Government Offices built in Colorado Springs,
Denver, Boulder and Pueblo, plus new universities in the Springs and
Denver to supply the needs of the Stargate. Although some sciences were
taught, the Bible was regarded as the ultimate source of knowledge - by
non-scientists at least.
Harrington University, Denver, opened [on
a site which was once Cherry Hills Country Club and golf course.]
Dr. Claire Pepperday [60] made head of the departments of
Anthropology, Archaeology (Biblical Archaeology that is, which nearly
choked her) and Ancient Languages/Linguistics.
Naturally, a fine property [in Cherry Hills Drive,] went with the post.
Although she disapproved of that and other perquisites which she felt were the
government's - make that President's - attempts to buy her loyalty, she wasn't
stupid enough to reject them since they put her in a better position to help
others. She certainly didn't feel beholden, nor did she feel any need to be
loyal in more than appearances.
Marya Mehitabel Hunter born.
February 21st: Rufus Pepperday met Kim
April 4th: Jefferson 'J' Mitchell born.
June 1st: Rufus Pepperday married Kim Cassidy. She was
already pregnant with their first child, Felix, at the time of the
wedding. 'Living in sin' was no longer considered acceptable behavior.
December 9th: Felix Joseph Pepperday born.
August 2nd: Giancarlo Giustino 'Luc'
Lucarelli born.
November: Melchisedec Harrington [59] elected President for
a second official term.
During his second term of office, he set up New Washington at the fourth
Alpha Site on P7X-259 which he designated New America. His aim
was to have a bolt-hole to escape to, should the need arise and he planned to
retire to New America, which he did, setting up his own private fiefdom with
the loot he'd accumulated off-world during the ten years he'd spent in office.
2081-2090: More Politicking and Births
July: Claire Pepperday
employed Joel Isherwood, son of janitor David Isherwood, as her
October 12th:Theodore Jared Hunter born.
End of January: Dr. Claire
Pepperday [65] officially retired but was retained as an advisor both to
Harrington University and to the SGC. She also kept her house, a gift/bribe
from President M. Harrington.
November 21st: Maxine Pepperday
Sunday, January 3th: Maxine christened
Esther Maxine Pepperday at the insistence of her godmother, Claire. A
biblical first name would ease her way through life in these hyper-religious
times - Maxine seemed a little high-and-mighty as a first name in the present
religio-political climate. Rufus was inclined to resent Claire's
'interference' but Kim saw the sense of Claire's argument so Rufus was
outvoted. Claire had a number of reasons for choosing Esther: it meant
'star' (also, biblically, it meant 'secret' or 'hidden') It gave her the
initials E.M.P., which was also an abbreviation for electro-magnetic pulse, and
Claire dreamed that, one day, Maxine might have that effect on those running
the Stargate; and according to a painting by the Pre-Raphaelite artist, John
Millais, the Queen Esther of the Bible had deep red hair like Maxine's seemed
likely to be.
November 15th: Zachary 'Zak' Ward born.
Following a smear campaign hinting at corruption in very high places, much
of which was true, ultra-left-wing Democrat, Xavier Garcia, became President
on a ticket to roust out corruption.
Ex-President Melchisedec Harrington [64]
retired to New Richmond on New America, P7X-259, taking
with him his 'pets' - those members of staff he needed/liked, including a dozen
'security guards,' the roughest, toughest members of the Civil Guard
that he could trust. He also had two SG teams - 17 and 23 - unofficially in
his pay (on top of their normal salaries). Their 'extra duties' involved
pillaging other worlds on his behalf. If further muscle was required, he loaned
them his security detail.
September 10th: Dominic 'Dom' Ward
October 18th: Isaac Russell 'Rusty'
Pepperday born.
2091-2100: Approaching 'The Present Time'
Early spring: Rufus
Pepperday was involved in a little dalliance while 'working away from
home.' He was going under the name of Reuben Reid at the time. This
may have been the source of The Row which drove Maxine to run away from
May 29th: Maxine ran away to Aunt Claire's house and
learned about Grandfather Daniel and the Stargate as recounted in
Prelude - II: Theo (Flashback). It was the beginning of
Maxine's weekend study sessions with Aunt Claire.
November: Republican Elijah Warren
[45] elected President in a close-run election, and amid rumors of
vote-rigging. Many saw him as a second Melchisedec Harrington.
January 30th: Dr. Claire Pepperday
celebrated her 80th birthday. [Maxine: 13 y., 2 m.]
April 27th: Claire hosted a not-birthday party for Waldo
Hunter. Maxine told Theo and Zak and Dom Ward about Grandfather Daniel and
the Stargate as recounted in Prelude - II: Theo (Flashback).
Autumn: Theo [18/19]
began studying at Colorado State University, majoring in geology with
engineering as his minor. He'd already learned plenty about that from his
father and uncle, Barnaby Ward.
November: President Elijah Warren [49]
re-elected amid further stronger rumors of election-fixing.
2101-2109: Into the New Century
Autumn: Maxine [17/18]
became a student at Harrington University, Denver CO for two years.
November 21st: Maxine's 18th birthday -
Great-aunt Claire [84] showed Maxine her inheritance - Claire's repository of
knowledge - and gave her Grandfather Daniel's journals. (See Prelude -I:
Theo [20/21] graduated in earth
sciences with engineering, and began work on his doctorate.
Maxine [19/20] gained her first degree
in cryptology and linguistics.
Summer: Wheat rust disease took hold. Food supplies were seriously
threatened. Maxine continued her studies at Harrington for two years on
a part time basis - while also working for the government in the new Office
of National Security in Colorado Springs where, through Theo, she met and
became a friend of Asher 'Ash' Kirkwood. She subsequently met J and
Luc socially. (Prelude - 3: Coming Together.)
April: Isaac 'Rusty' Pepperday
[15] joined the Young Wariors.
August: President Elijah Warren [52] declared 'A State of
Emergency' with suspension of elections for the duration. The President - a
corrupt unlikeable man and all his hangers-on 'necessary for the continuance of
good government,' were 'moved to a place of safety,' i.e. New Washington at
the fourth Alpha Site on P7Z-259, designated New America.
Maxine [21/22] gained second degree in
anthropology and archaeology then transferred to the Joshua Harrington
wing of Colorado State University.
Maxine [24/25] gained her doctorate in
anth. and arch.
Maxine [25/26] joined the SGC, working
part of the time on Earth and part in Washington, New America at the fourth
Alpha Site on P7X-259.
